Full Metal Jacket is an Automated Trading System for TradeStation (Easy Language) and Multicharts (Power Language).
I made available this strategy in Tradestation Trading App Store 👇 in late August 2016: every trader with a TradeStation account can subscribe a FREE version (restricted to Micro Gold Future) or he can subscribe a PREMIUM version to work on different markets.
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
675 traders subscribed this Strategy, and some of them are asking for an OPEN CODE VERSION, in order to make some adjustments and customizations (or simply translate this code to use on a different platform), and here it is: the Open Code version of this Strategy.
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
This strategy was first developed on Gold Future, and this is how it performed since it was published in the Trading App Store in August 2016:
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
At the end of 2016 i decided to made available Full Metal Jacket on 5 more markets (3 of them are Metals: the name of this strategy came from that).
automated trading system gold,
...and this strategy is still making money on each! 👍
automated trading system gold,
This a Portfolio created with Full Metal Jacket Trading System on these 6 market, considering only what happened AFTER this strategy was published on the TradeStation Trading App Store and made available to the pubblic (THIS IS NOT A BACKTEST)...
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
No Equity Control, No Rotation, No filter... Just these 6 equity lines, aggregated together to show the performance of this Portfolio after a few year of live trading.
If you want to Customize this Strategy on more different markets, modify the code or work on that to improve it, or trade this strategy on Mutlicharts or another different platform, I decided to make this strategy available OPEN CODE (with a LIMITED number of License) for Tradestation and Multicharts at this one time fee:
Join the group of Full Metal Jacket traders!
This is not just "another" trading system: buying a Lifetime Licene, you are eligible to all the future updates.
If I extend this strategy to some more markets: YOU GOT IT.
If the strategy starts to experience some bad times (...let's hope not: it's robust and it's lasting since many year, but nothing last forever), whatever new version or update I'll release, YOU GOT IT.
Full Metal Jacket Trading System comes with detailed explanation about How to Use IT, the Easy Language open code (ELD) for TradeStation and for Multicharts, the Workspace with the settings and historical data (to perform your own backtest if your data provider is not offering long historical data).
automated trading system gold,
Contenuto del Corso (click sulla freccia per ampliarlo)
⚠️ a LIMITED Number of Lifetime License are available, at this price!
You can click on the button above 👆 to use a Credit Card: if you prefer to use your PayPal account, or send a Wire Transfer, or use your Bitcoin or Ether wallet, please write us an e-mail to [email protected]
If you are not ready yet to buy the open code license, or if you prefer to give it a try first, Full Metal Jacket will continue to be Available for FREE in the Trading App Store but ⚠️ limited to Micro Gold Future contract: if you are approaching Strategy Automation, this is a good trading system to start with (but consider that with this FREE version you are trading a less efficient future: you will definitely obtain better performance with the PREMIUM version on traditional Futures: please read below for all the details).
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
This same Strategy is available for 6 specific markets as GOLD, PLATINUM, GASOLINE, HEATING OIL, COPPER, JAPANESE YEN futures, for a reasonable Monthly FEE of 49 USD (if you can trade these markets, I think you can afford this fee) - you can visit the Tradestation Trading App Store and search "QTLab" to rent these strategies
automated trading system gold,
automated trading system gold,
...but knowing what a strategy does, it's priceless.
Consider that the price of Full Metal Jacket Open Code Lifetime License is the equivalent of a couple of good trades on just one of these markets... If you are trader, you know exactly what I mean.
Why am i giving away this strategy? Because I'm a Systematic Trader AND a Trading Systems Developer: this is part of my job.
What's your RISK? 🤔
Are you really thinking that this is a scam?
OK, let's play this game. It's a scam: you have thrown away your money, and you have lost the equivalent of a couple of stop loss on Gold Future. Nothing changes in your life (otherwise you should no consider trading at all).
But take into account the opposite scenario: you start to follow this strategy and IT WORKS. Let's say it will not perform as well as in 2020 or 2017: you can consider the Average Yearly Profit of 39.637 $ (bottom right cell in the table below👇).
In March 2021 (last month available) it's making 7.676 $ (X3 times the price of this LIFETIME license).
...Still thinking about that?
il Docente del Corso
Luca Giusti è un Trader Sistematico su Opzioni e Futures dal 2002. Laurea a pieni voti in Economia presso l'Univ. degli Studi di Modena, frequenta un Dottorato di Ricerca in Direzione Aziendale prima di diventare imprenditore. Fondatore di QTLab (Quantitative Trading LAB) dove sviluppa metodologie di Trading Quantitativo, collabora con Istituzionali in Svizzera e con un società (Da Vinci Fintech) allo sviluppo di piattaforme di analisi di dati finanziari, strategie in Opzioni e analisi di Portafogli (StrategyLAB, OptionLAB). Autore del libro "Trading Meccanico: Strategie e Tecniche non convenzionali su Azioni, Opzioni, Futures e Forex" e del libro: "Portafogli per l'investitore: le migliori strategie per investire in Azioni ed ETF controllando il rischio", entrambi editi da HOEPLI. Socio Ordinario Professional e membro del Comitato Scientifico di SIAT (la branch italiana di IFTA), è docente dei corsi di QTLab e del Master Avanzato di SIAT. Dal 2008 è relatore all’ITForum e al TOL EXPO di Borsa Italiana, ed è stato speaker in numerosi conferenze internazionali: a Dubai per TradeStation nel 2016, al convegno internazionale IFTA 2017, nel 2019 a Londra per il CME Group, e guest speaker alla MasterClass di TradeStation a Londra nel 2019 e alla Scuola di Economia e Management dell'Univ. di Torino. Easy Language Developer, i suoi indicatori e le sue strategie sono seguite da più di 1500 persone sul Trading App Store di TradeStation. E' spesso intervistato sul canale CNBC, su Le Fonti TV, scrive su Traders Magazine, FX Empire, Milano Finanza.
Il concetto di Arbitraggi, declinato su diverse operatività: INTRA Market sulle Commodities, Convergence Trading sul Contango / Backwardation, Arbitraggio Statistico su Azioni, e operatività intraday con le Opzioni 0DTE e 1DTE per effettuare arbitraggi sulla Volatilità e sul Gamma (Positive Gamma Arbitrage)
11° edizione del Trading Camp 2022, dedicata alla costruzione e validazione di nuovi protocolli Short Strangle 2.0: oltre 50 strategie, 3 Portafogli, tecniche per una Gestione della Posizione più efficace e per ottimizzare l'impiego dei Margini. 5 giornate insieme, per quello che è stato il Camp più bello: ma senti da chi c'era com'è andata.
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Il Trading Camp è l'appuntamento più importante dell'anno: in queste 4 giornate insieme si crea un'atmosfera unica che non potrai mai ritrovare in nessun video corso, su un forum o su un gruppo facebook. Nel 2020 abbiamo svluppato il tema dei "Portafogli Rotazionali e Modelli Quantitativi di Investimento", e qui sotto puoi sentire com'è andata direttamente da chi c'era...
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