qtlab multilingual trading courses online and classroom seminar

...don't worry!

Italian is a wonderfull language: this website is in italian, but you can easily translate all the articles and the contents using an automatic translation service (for free). Google Translate is probabily the easiest to use.

If you are browsing this website with Google Chrome, right click on your mouse and you should see the "Translate" option.

Can't see "Translate"? Digit "translate.google.com" in your browser and type the address of QTLab website (www.qtlab.it) in the left panel: on the right panel you can choose your language (Google can translate in more than 100 languages!) and then click on the link below to get the website translated.

Remember this is an automatic translation, but Google technology has improved in the last few years so much: I can assure that translation from Italian to English of such technical concepts, is quite effective.

this is QTLab webiste in English (click here)

this is QTLab webiate in German (click here)

this is QTLab webiate in Spanish (click here) 

this is QTLab webiate in French (click here)

...quick and easy! Try with your own language.

qtlab trading courses online and classroom seminar

...we can also make available our seminars / webinars / manuals in your own language

Take, for example, the seminar: "Options & Futures: Short Strangle with Mechanical Defense" (that we replicate three or four time every year): this is one of the last recorded session with subtitles in your own language... Video + Slide + Manuals + Workspaces: translated.

here you can find a couple of webinars in english, hosted by TradeStation and CME Group (speaker is Luca Giusti)


This is a webinar host by TradeStation Securities, where I've presented an IntraDay Strategy on Natural Gas Future, focussing on the validation techniques I've adopted to stress it. In this video you'll also find the detailed instruction to get a FREE TRIAL on this Trading System in the TradeStation Trading App Store.


This is the last part of Luca Giusti speech in a CME Group event in London, dealing with Validation Techniques and Trading Systems Portolio development.


This is a strategy on the Micro FIB Contract that Luca Giusti presented during TOL EXPO 2020, when he was invited by Borsa Italiana to a panel with an international speaker (a wealth manager from Hong Kong)

And these are some feedback... Can you see anything interesting on this webiste? Just let us know: [email protected]

Copyright© 2020 QTLab® - Quantitative Trading Lab SA - Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Bellinzona (Svizzera), E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +41 044 586 68 57 oppure +41 078 6475346

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The material on this website is for information purposes only. Any reference on this Web site to QTLab, the authors, and its affiliated companies should not be construed as an offer or solicitation, directed to residents in jurisdictions where QTLab, by and through any of its affiliates, is not registered to do business. No investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell securities is given or in any manner endorsed by QTLab or any of its affiliates. Charts created using TradeStation. ©TradeStation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No investment or trading advice, recommendation or opinions is being given or intended. Past performance, whether actual or indicated by historical tests of strategies, is no guarantee of future performance or success. There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss greater than your entire investment; therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you cannot afford to lose. For further details please read the "Condizioni di Utilizzo" to see the full set of terms and conditions.